
Friday, August 24, 2012

Update on my shop and pictures that didn't make the cut..

First off, thank you all who have participated in my giveaway so far and have supported me. I launched on Tuesday and was very excited about the interest I received so soon. That same day I had several orders and over the past few days requests for boy bibs, and a custom order for unisex bibs. I'm hoping to get some boy bibs out in the next two weeks. Needless to say, I've had a busy week!
Today I plan on checking out a few fabric stores in Houston I haven't been to yet. Hopefully I find some things that strike my fancy. I already have some ideas for adorable fall bibs. So excited.
I wanted to share some pictures from our first session of my little model aka miss Layla that didn't make the cut. Let me just say that trying to photograph a squirmy 15 month old in the Texas heat is a challenge.


  1. That's so awesome! Good for you mama! I'm curious to what fabric stores you will be visiting.

  2. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the fall. I'm having a boy and would love to see whatever designs you've come up with :)

  3. her outfits, and her of course, are too cute!
