
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lady Mariam

I promise every post this week won't just be about her, but I've got to show off these adorable pictures of her. I'm completely enamored by this little peanut. H is completely taken with her too and I fall in love over and over again with him watching him interact with the girls. I've said it before but he's such a great father. When I gave birth to Mariam and he saw that she made it safely into the world, I got to witness that look in his eyes I've seen before of love and awe of another baby--and my heart melted.



  1. she is just precious! congrats! feel free to do as many posts as you want of her, i'm sure no one will mind :)

  2. she's so gorge! love her headband and blanket.
    those blankets are my fave! classic, classy ;)

  3. she is a little beauty..I have that blanket for my daughter!

  4. Thank you! It's my favorite blanket!

  5. CONGRATS! I have been away from checking out my blogs since having my little one and I'm so happy to see that your little girl came as well! She's gorgeous!

  6. Please do update every week with her!! she is super precious!!
