
Monday, October 2, 2017

My Home DNA Skin Care Analysis Results!

Hello beautiful people! Since I was a young girl, I've always looked younger then my age. My mother is the same way as is her mother. When I was a pre-teen I used to wish I looked older but people always told me, "just wait till you get older. You'll appreciate it then." They were right. I do appreciate it now especially now that I'm in my mid-30's and don't get nearly enough sleep as I should thanks to me kids. I'm actually not that strict about taking care of my skin. I frequently sleep in my makeup and just touch it up in the morning. 

Hey! When you have 4 kids and have to get them all out the door in the morning in a timely manner, you just might to. Haha! The truth is, I've been doing this since my 20's. It's not so much that because of my young looking genes that I think I can get away with things, but there are other things that I've been doing that have helped keep my complexion looking good. Since I could remember I've always used a facial moisturizer with SPF 15, I also started using an eye cream at 20 years old. Also take note that good skin care starts from the outside in. If you eat tons of junk food, or smoke, or do other things that aren't great for your body, it's going to show on your skin. I enjoy sweets, but I also eat a fairly healthy balanced diet. As far as face washing and moisturizing products I've always just used brands you could find at Walgreen's or Target. Nothing fancy. I've tried higher end brands from Sephora or a department store and haven't seen a difference to be honest. 

When I was approached by the HomeDNA company to try their skin care test, I jumped at the chance to find the back story on my skin and how to best treat any signs of aging.  Home DNA testing puts control back into your hands allowing you to make the right choices concerning beauty and diet regimes that work specifically for you needs based on scientific facts. This saves you time and money by avoiding the products that don't necessarily work for you.

The test identifies your skin's genetic potential in seven key areas:

*Collagen Quality
*Skin Elasticity
*Fine lines & Wrinkles
* Sun Protection
*Skin Antioxidants
*Skin Sensitivity

The kit comes with cheek swabs, instructions, and a postage paid envelope to send back to the lab. The results are ready and available to view online in about three weeks once the lab receives them. Overall my global average was leaning towards optimal. After my global average I was also scored on each category listed above. 

The first category was fine lines and wrinkles and I was happy to see that my score was optimal. Honestly this category was what I most wondered about because it's fine lines and wrinkles that make people look older. 

The only category that I didn't score too great in was "sun protection" I was on the lower end of the global average. This means that UV rays from sunlight play a role in skin aging. My results indicate I carry some of the gene variations that can weaken my skin's natural protection against the sun. it was nice to see the recommended topical and supplement ingredients that can help combat this. 

Overall I thought this was a really neat and innovative product! It was nice to have confirmed how my genes/heritage came into play regarding the condition of my skin.

So what do you think about this product? Would you try HomeDNA testing for a personalized skin care analysis?

Disclosure: The HomeDNA Kit and Lab Results were provided to me. All thoughts about the experience are completely my own.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog post... I really appreciate your blog post... Your story is very inspiring and shows how DNA fitness test helps you.
