It's Monday night and I just wrapped up Serena's first communion post and I'm not looking to go to bed yet, so here I am jotting down some memories and sharing some updates. I've been bad about my blog lately, but summer is around the corner and life is going to get so much easier (minus the fighting I predict will happen between my 5 and 7 year old ). This fall I'm also going down to 2 different school drop offs and pick-up's instead of 3, and I'm not going to jam pack my schedule like I did this school year. It's been insane.
Currently H is on a business trip in Michigan till Friday morning. He left today early afternoon and the girls and I survived Monday evening. The highlight of today was new living room sofa's that arrived! Mother's day weekend H and I went to a few different furniture stores and decided on some. Our old ones we had since we got married and they were literally ripping apart so it was time for them to go! I'm a little nervous about how light they are and the kids, but I do have a lot of white in the house and we bought the stain removal warranty. We just have to be extra careful.

I still need new throw pillows, a rug, coffee table, end table, and decorative accessories. It feels a little overwhelming because I'm super picky and if I'm not careful I can drag this on forever. I've been checking the internet here and there when I have time, and I plan on going to some home stores like Home Goods, TJ Maxx, etc, this week. I'll also be looking at offer-up because I love a good deal and to refurbish furniture. H has grown a bit weary lately of some of my projects. I have a few unfinished pieces in the garage that he wishes I'd hurry up and finish.
When we were at one of the furniture stores, I also fell in love with a chandelier for our dining room and we found it for cheaper at It's going to take 2 weeks to get here though. It's gorgeous!
Sunday the weather was bad but I still made everyone get out of bed early and make it to church. We were a little late, but I'm glad I didn't have much time to fix my hair anyways. We got rained on as it was and showed up to brunch a little damp. Oh well. It was great and I chose the same place we went to last year because the girls really enjoy it there. Afterwards we went home and relaxed for the rest of the day..... or I mean they relaxed. I couldn't help myself and still did laundry, swept the living room and cleaned my closet out. The little ones and I also had fun playing some games and watching a little Netflix.