
Monday, January 25, 2016

Let's talk about Layla

Cocoon dress: {Old navy}

She's just getting so big! Why does time have to go by so fast? My little rainbow baby is going to be 5 in a few months and it makes me downright sad. I still remember the difficulty we had conceiving her. She brings us such joy and is as sweet as they come. In the past year I've really watched her gentle mild-mannered nature come out. She's a lot like her dad in some ways, in looks and mannerisms. She doesn't fight with Mariam as much and it takes a lot to make her mad. She enjoys playing legos, coloring, pestering Serena and loves all things star wars. Lately she's been helpful with the baby. If she sees her crying and I'm a few feet away, she'll try to play with Ava or calm her down. She's such a gentle little soul and I feel really lucky to be her mom.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My maternity accessory line has launched!

I'm so excited to announce that my brand is growing and the maternity accessory line is now launched. It's something I wanted to do since I was pregnant with Mariam a few years ago, but due to family demands, and general intimidation, I just didn't know where to start! Earlier last year I found a US manufacturer and the first products were put in production. There will be more products coming soon. 

Also if you shop today through Friday 1/22/16, you can take advantage of the special promotional pricing.

Shop the bands here

Have a great Tuesday!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ava 4 months!

I'm not sure at this point but she is definitely chunking up quite nicely and feels a lot heavier. Her doctors appointment is this week so I'll know then. I'm really dreading the 4 months shots though. :(

Still doing fantastic. She hasn't gotten sick yet (knocks on wood). She only has dry skin patches just like Layla did. She has really sensitive skin. 

Terrible! Omg! Send help. I believe we are going through the 4 month sleep regression and it sucks. For the past 3 weeks her sleep has not been great and it's getting worse. This whole week she's been waking up every 2-3 hours. I'm not kidding. Every 2-3 hours. I have a migraine as I'm typing this from lack of sleep. I'm soooo tired and it shows. Throw in postpartum hair loss, bags under the eyes, dull skin and I don't think I've ever felt uglier. Ugh. 

Her 3 month clothes are getting tight and a lot hardly fit. She currently fits in 6 month clothes. She's growing so fast!

Still breastmilk and she nurses great. I plan on introducing the bottle again this week because there are going to be times where I need to get away. I have to take her everywhere because she won't take a bottle. Hopefully she'll start accepting the bottle--of course this means I have to start pumping some which can be a pain sometimes. 

She's been a little better at entertaining herself so the crying isn't as constant when she's not being held. She likes putting everything in her mouth now so that keeps her occupied a bit and she's starting to take a pacifier. 

Let's see she loves to roll over now and it's part of the reason she's been waking herself up at night. She can also grasp things bring them to her mouth, and she laughs easily. Oh and her hair has grown like crazy. Isn't if amazing? People are always stopping me to comment on her or her hair lol. 

Have a great week!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Pregnancy Progression

I'm not at the point where I miss my baby bump yet, but I know the time will come. I actually feel like it was so long ago that I was pregnant even though it was only 4 months ago. I'll tell you what I do miss. I miss my full head of hair, great skin, and a body that I'm comfortable with. Currently I'm shedding like crazy, my face is dry in my t-zone, I'm underweight and I'm tired. I'll be doing another postpartum update soon.

To read Ava's birth story click here.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Miss Ava...miss Ava.

Whatever shall we do with you?

Gold bow headband: {Meghan & Julie}

All we can do is love you and try to remember that the hard times will pass and you will grow faster than we'd like. As you can see I haven't updated in about a week again. It's been tough. Life with 4 kids completely kicked my butt this week. The straw that broke the camel's back happened last night. Around 6pm Serena hobbled in from outside with what appears to be another sprained ankle, then after dinner H had to go to the store so I was left with a crying Ava, then Layla started throwing up everywhere and Serena couldn't help me because she has a hurt ankle. So I'm trying to clean up, put Layla in the tub and deal with a crying baby. Thankfully H walked in 10 minutes later, but I was spent. I had even gotten frustrated at the baby and I just felt guilty and overwhelmed. I did a lot of crying, praying and feeling sorry for myself that my kids can't be easier on me. Today I'm trying to focus on counting my blessings. There is much to be happy about and as I write this Ava is napping which is rare for her, but it's giving me a little time to get some things done. 

Have a great weekend!