
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Missing my pregnant body

Don't get the wrong idea though. I have no desire what so ever to be pregnant again right now. No way! No how! I just miss the body I had while being pregnant (minus the last month when my belly gets as big as a house!) I always feel most beautiful when I'm carrying a baby.

As I sat down last night to write this. Part of me almost hesitated posting it. See the thing is, I almost feel like I shouldn't even complain and I should just be thanking my lucky stars that I have never had to watch what I eat--as far as for weight is concerned. Health wise that's a different matter. However, as a woman I too am plagued with scrutinizing myself under a microscope and finding every little flaw. I have mentioned before that I don't like the weight I am now. I've always had a fast metabolism and been thin, but right now I am underweight. Coming in at a scrawny 94 lbs. I'm really hating pants and shorts right now because they feel saggy in the butt and I have to keep hiking them up and I do wear a belt but it's annoying. One thing I'm not minding is the boobs though--thanks to breastfeeding. I'm also sort of glad it appears that my hips got a little bigger after birthing this third baby. So I guess yay for not looking entirely like a pubescent 12 year old.  I've had a lot of people look at me while I'm holding Mariam and tell me how good I look for having three babies and being 4 months postpartum, and I thank them graciously, but to me, I don't feel good about the way I look. Every woman wants and deserves to feel comfortable in their skin--myself included.

So one of the main reasons I'm putting this out here is because I'm setting a goal for myself, and if I put it out there that just means I'll be more pressured to reach my goal. By mid May I want to gain 5-6 lbs and get back to being toned. I know it may sound easy, but it's really not for me. That's just how fast my metabolism is, and the fact that I'm constantly moving around and exclusively breastfeeding, which burns a lot of calories. Before you say go eat a Big Mac everyday for lunch or stuff myself with cupcakes and cookies, I want to gain weight by eating healthy fats and constantly eating. Yes I still intend to eat sweets because Lord knows I love sweets, but I need to keep those refined sugars to a minimum. I have been getting a leg up by drinking calorie shakes, so I'm going to continue those in addition to eating a lot and exercising at least 5 days a week. I'll be keeping cardio to a minimum because I don't want to burn a lot of calories, so I'll be working more on strengthening and toning. I hope if you made it this far, you aren't rolling your eyes at me, but this is something personal to me and a goal I would like to accomplish. I want to feel good in my body again and feel healthy and energetic for my girls. 


  1. Good for you, and good luck with your goal. Everyone's 'perfect' weight is different, whether that means losing or gaining... You looked beautiful pregnant!

  2. It is important for all women to feel happy in their bodies, whether they need to gain or lose weight. Good luck with everything!

  3. I so relate to this. My twins are 6 months old and while I LOVE having them out and in my arms - I miss feeling them from the inside. I miss my big ol belly too.

  4. I feel like I could have written this post myself. Keep us updated. I need the motivation too!

  5. 1. You were the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen. That is the prettiest bump EVER.

    2. At first I didn't understand what you were saying but I guess I can see that. It reminds me of the boys I knew in highschool who would get so offended if you called them skinny. They were always trying to bulk up in a healthy way. I'd say go for lots of protein!

  6. Thank you guys and Laynah, you are too sweet! I can see how some people don't understand what I'm saying and might think I'm nuts, because I think that too sometimes when people don't like something about themselves or think they need to lose weight. For the most part I just want to fill out my clothes again and be healthy. Also, having a low BMI suggests that your body is not obtaining sufficient nutrients to sustain proper function. It's also strongly associated with low bone mineral density, and decreased immune function, and I have been getting colds more often lately. I normally have a good immune system, but it's not feeling like that lately.

  7. You are the world's cutest pregnant person! I wish I enjoyed it like you... gorgeous!

  8. You were an adorable pregnant lady!!! :-) It's great that you want to be healthy for your girls - just don't let that take over your life. :-)

  9. Good for you mama! You are gorgeous! I wish I had this problem, but I am the other way around :/ I have a lot of friends with this problem though, so you are not alone! I was going to say look into Ensure, but looks like you are doing that already. What about coconut oil? Using that to cook things or just add to things might help too. Healthy fats. Or olive oil, avocados...I'm sure you already know all of these. I just know because of Lyla, she has a hard time gaining weight so we try all of this. I'm sure she will have this same problem when she is older too.
